Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you have a relative or friend who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Perhaps you are Catholic, but would like to learn more about the faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA, the acronym for which it most commonly known, is the process through which adults complete the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) in the Catholic Church.
It its purest form, the process is meant for unbaptized adults who wish to become Catholic. After an initial interview, the inquirer enters into the preparation process, which includes prayer, small group discussion, and study. The process typically culminates with reception of the sacraments at the Easter Vigil for those who are unbaptized, followed by a few weeks of post baptismal catechesis, a period that is meant to offer support and additional instruction in the practical aspects of "being Catholic."
The RCIA is also for baptized Catholics who have not complted their initiation through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, as well as those who were baptized in another faith tradition, but wish to become Catholic.
Contact: Mark Evevard 303-494-7572, ext. 209 or Dan Waldeck 303-362-0514.
For more information, call the office at 303-499-7744 or email the parish office at [email protected]